Salesforce Standard Feature

Salesforce Admin

Salesforce Flow to Send Custom Notification to Case Owner

This article will show you how to create a flow to send a custom notification to the owner when the Case owner is change...
OFC Advanced

View the monthly number of files output of Office File Creator by the Field History Report

This article shows how to check the monthly number of files output of Office File Creator by the Field History Report. O...
Salesforce Admin

Check the usage and number of output files in Office File Creator for the last 31 days by the Screen Flow Report

In this article, I will show you how to check the usage of the last 31 days of flows by the Screen Flow Report. Office F...
Salesforce Admin

Salesforce formulas to display Date in yyyyMMMdd and Date/Time in yyyyMMddHHmmss format

In this article, I will show you how to create a formula to display Date in yyyyMMMdd and Date/Time in yyyyMMddHHmmss fo...
Salesforce Admin

Create a Send Email Action on the Case Record Page in Salesforce

In this article, I will show you how to create a Send Email action on a Case record page. In order to display the Send E...