Create documents of selected records in the data table of a Flow in Salesforce

This article will show you how to create a flow to create invoices for selected records in the Flow's data table. To create documents, use the OfcForFlowScreen component of Office File Creator in the flow

Completed Flow


Flow Process Overview

This is the overall picture of the flow.

1. Get Opportunity

Get Opportunity records.

2. Record List Screen

Display the screen of Opportunity record list using the data table.

3. Judge Selected Rows Exist

Judge whether a record is selected or not.

3e. Error Screen (No Selected Row)

Display the message that no records have been selected and terminate the flow.

4. Loop Selected Rows

Start a loop of selected rows.

5. Assign to Ids

Add the Id of the selected row to the ids collection variable.

6. OFC Execution Screen

Output documents from the OfcForFlowScreen component.

7. Completion Screen

Display the completion message.


Create the Flow

From Setup >Flows, click the "New Flow" button.


Select "Start From Scratch" and click the "Next" button.


Select "Screen Flow" and click the "Create" button.


Create Variable

Click the "Toggle Toolbox" button in the upper left corner of the screen, then click the "New Resource" button.


Create the ids variable.

Resource Type: Variable

API Name: ids

Data Type: Text

Allow multiple values (collection): check on


First, save the flow. Click the "Save" button.


Save the Flow under any name. Here it is saved as follows.

Flow Label: Create Invoices Screen Flow

Flow API Name: Create_Invoices_Screen_Flow


1.  Get Opportunity

Click the "+" mark under Screen Flow.


Select "Get Records".


Set the properties.

Label: Get Opportunity

API Name: Get_Opportunity

Object: Opportunity

Condition Requirements: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Field: IsThisMonthBill__c  Operator: Equals  Value: {!$GlobalConstant.True}

Sort Order: Not Serted

How Many Records to Store: All records

How to Store Record Data: Automatically store all fields


2. Record List Screen

Click the "+" mark under "Get Opportunity" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: Record List Screen

API Name: Record_List_Screen

Show Header: check off


Click "Data Table" in the left component and set the properties.

API Name: DtOpportunity

Label: Opportunity Data Table

Source Collection: {!Get_Opportunity}

Row Selection Mode: Multiple


Select the Source Field to display in the Column Options and click the "Done" button.


Click the "Add column" button and add the field to display. After completing the addition of columns, click the "Done" button on the screen component.


3. Judge Selected Rows Exist

Click the "+" mark under "Record List Screen" and select "Decision".


Set the properties.

Label: Is Row Selected

API Name: Is_Row_Selected


Label: No

Outcome API Name: Is_Row_Selected_No

Condition Requirements to Execute Outcome: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Recourse: {!DtOpportunity.selectedRows}  Operator: Is Empty  Value: {!$GlobalConstant.True}


Click "Default Outcome" in the left sidebar.


Set the properties.

Label: Yes


3e. Error Screen (No Selected Row)

Click the "+" mark under "No" and select "Screen".


Set Screen properties.

Label: Error Screen (No Selected Row)

API Name: Error_Screen_No_Selected_Row


Click "Display Text" in the left component and set the properties.

API Name: DispNoRecordMsg


No records have been selected.

Please select at least one record and then execute.


Click the "+" mark under "Error Screen (No Record)" and select "End".


It is branched into two.


4. Loop Selected Rows

Click the "+" mark under "Yes" and select "Loop".


Set the properties.

Label: Loop Selected Rows

API Name: Loop_Selected_Rows

Collection Variable: {!DtOpportunity.selectedRows}


5. Assign to Ids

Click the "+" mark under "For Each" and select "Assignment".


Set the properties.

Label: Assign to Ids

API Name: Assign_to_Ids

Variable: {!ids}  Operator: Add  Value: {!Loop_Selected_Rows.Id}


6. OFC Execution Screen

Click the "+" mark under "After Last" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: OFC Execution Screen

API Name: OFC_Execution_Screen


Click "ofcForFlowScreen" in the left component and set the properties. After setting, click the "Done" button.


auto execute (option for Standard/Pro): {!$GlobalConstant.True}

recordId List: {!ids}

save: Empty  *To save the file, enter "file" or "att".

template: OpportunityInvoice  *Enter the Template Api Name of the OFC_Template record.

*For OFC Free, the "auto execute (option for Standard/Pro)" option is not available. The "next" button must be clicked when executing.


7. Completion Screen

Click the "+" mark under "OFC Execution Screen" and select "Screen".


Set Screen properties.

Label: End Screen

API Name: End_Screen


Click "Display Text" in the left component and set the properties.

API Name: DispCompletionMsg

Text: Completed.


Click "Display Text" in the left component and set the properties.

API Name: DispErrorMsg


Error Occurred.


*Set text color to red from the color palette.

*Select "errorMessages", not "errorMessage".


Click "Set Component Visibility" and set the conditions.

When to Display Component: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Resource: {!OFC.errorMessages}  Operator: Is Null  Value: {!$GlobalConstant.False}


Flow creation is complete.


Click the "Save" button.


Debug the Flow

Click the "Debug" button.


Click the "Run" button.


Select nothing and click the "Next" button.


An error message is displayed.


Click the "Run Again" button.


Select the records and click the "Next" button.


Files are output sequentially.


A completion message is displayed. Close the debug screen and return to the flow editing screen.


Click the "Activate" button on the flow.


The Flow is activated.


Create Tab

From Setup > Lightning App Builder, click add the "New" button.


Select "App Page" and click the "Next" button.


Enter the label and click the "Next" button.

Label: Create Invoices


Select "One Region" and click the "Done" button.


Set the properties.

Label: Create Invoices

API Name: Create_Invoices


Drag and drop "Flow" from the component.


Set the properties and click the "Save" button.

Flow: Create Invoices Screen Flow *Select the created flow.


Click the "Activate" button.


Set settings in the "PAGE SETTINGS" tab.

Name: Create Invoices *Displayed as the tab name.

Page Activaten: Activate for all users

Icon: Lightning


From the "LIGHTNING EXPERIENCE" tab, select the application to which you want to add a tab and click the "Add page to app" button.


A tab will be added, and you can drag and drop it to any position. Click the "Save" button.


Select the tab you created. A list of records is displayed, select the records, and click the "Next" button.


Files are output sequentially.


A completion screen is displayed. Click the "Finish" button.


Return to the list of records.



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