Introduction Flow

Introduction Flow

1. Trial in the Sandbox

Try Office File Creator in the sandbox environment and make a decision on whether or not to introduce it. If you want to use the Standard or Pro features, install Standard/Pro after installing 2.0.


* Standard/Pro is available indefinitely in the Sandbox environment.

* To switch from Ver.1 to Ver.2, please refer to the Edition.

* Administrators require standard knowledge of Salesforce for implementation. (Reference: How much Salesforce knowledge is required for the setup?)


2. Confirmation in the Production - Start of use

Start using the application after confirming its operation in the production environment.


For Standard/Pro users

  • Standard/Pro has a 30 day trial period for production environments. After 30 days of the trial expiration, the edition will automatically switch to Free.
  • After 30 days of the trial expiration date, the number of OFC_Template records must be set to the Free version limit of 1 record.
  • You will not be charged for the installation of Standard/Pro unless you request to purchase it.


3. Purchase

If you want to use Standard/Pro, please apply for purchase. The license will be activated after purchase.

Purchase Flow


* We do not accept purchase reservations. Please apply on the date you wish to sign the contract. In principle, the contract starts on the day of application (provisional contract until the initial deposit is completed). If the wrong organization ID/email address and other cases require confirmation, it takes about 5 business days.


4. Subscription Management

For change procedures, refer to Subscription Management.

  • Check contract details
  • Change payment information
  • Cancel subscription
  • Change license




Introduction/Subscription FAQ


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