Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions") set forth the terms and conditions of use of the services provided by Generipse LLC ("Operator") in this Application (the "Service"). Users are requested to use the Application and the Service in accordance with these Terms of Use.


Article 1 (Definitions)

The term "the Application" refers to the following application software "Office File Creator" provided by the Service Provider.

The term "Services" refers to the Application and the agreements, website, support, and information related to the Application. Website refers to the following

Office File Creator product page (https://officefilecreator.com/)

Office File Creator Setup Manual (https://manual.officefilecreator.com/)

Device" means a personal computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device used by the user to use the Application and the Service.

"Anti-Social Forces, etc." means organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, right-wing groups, and other similar groups.

"Registration Matters" means the matters that a prospective subscriber to the Service is required to provide to a service provider in order to apply for a subscription to the Service.

"Appexchange" is a marketplace for Salesforce applications provided by Salesforce, Inc.

Appexchange Global Market (https://appexchange.salesforce.com/)

Appexchange Japan Market (https://appexchangejp.salesforce.com/)


Article 2 (Agreement to these Terms)

1 Users may use the Application and the Services only if they agree to these Terms. By using the Service, the user is deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Terms. If the user does not agree to any part of these Terms of Use, the user may not access the Service.

2 In addition to the Terms, the business operator may establish rules, conditions, guidelines, etc. ("Individual Regulations") for the use of the Application and the Service. Users must use the Application and the Service in accordance with the Terms and the Individual Regulations.

3 If the user is a minor, the following shall apply

(1) Use the Application and the Services only after obtaining the consent of a legal representative such as a person with parental authority.

(2) If a minor user uses the Application or the Service by falsely claiming to have consent even though he/she does not have the consent of a legal representative, or by falsely claiming to be an adult with respect to age, all legal actions related to the Service cannot be revoked.


Article 3 (Subscription Service)

1 Users may receive a service (Subscription Service) for which they pay a certain amount of consideration to use the Service for a certain period of time for a fee, or under conditions prescribed by the business (Subscription Service).

2 In the event that a user delays payment of the subscription service fee (including the inability to complete payment procedures due to credit card errors, etc.), the business operator may deem that such user has ceased to use the subscription service.

3 Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the operator may, at its discretion, terminate a particular subscription service, and the operator shall not be liable for damages even if the user suffers damages as a result of such termination.

4 The Subscriber shall pay the Subscription Service fee in accordance with the following Article, and may not request a refund of the fee once paid. The Subscriber may not request a refund even if the Subscription Service is terminated in the middle of the subscription period.

5 Subscription registration for Subscription Service shall be completed when the Subscriber agrees to these Terms of Use and submits an application for subscription registration by providing the registration information to the service provider in a manner determined by the service provider, and when the service provider approves the application. If the operator determines that the applicant for subscription registration has any of the following reasons, the operator may not approve the application for subscription registration and shall not be obligated to disclose any reasons for such disapproval.

(1) If there are any falsehoods, errors, or omissions in the registration information

(2) The applicant is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship, or a person under assistance, and has not obtained the consent of a legal representative, guardian, conservator, or assistant.

(3) If the applicant is an antisocial force, etc., or has any interaction or involvement with antisocial forces, etc., such as cooperating or being involved in the maintenance, operation, or management of antisocial forces, etc., through funding or otherwise.

(4) If the application is from a person who has violated these Terms of Use, or a person related to such a person

(5) In any other case where the operator deems the subscription registration to be inappropriate.

6 The Subscriber shall immediately update any changes to the registration information and shall maintain the information to be true, accurate, complete and up-to-date at all times. The Subscriber shall change the information in the subscription registration for the Service in accordance with the method prescribed by the business.

7 At the time of cancellation of the Service, the Subscriber shall cancel from the subscription registration for the Service in accordance with the method prescribed by the business. No pro-rated or monthly refunds will be made for the remaining valid period at the time of cancellation.

8 Subscriber shall, at its own responsibility, properly manage and store its user ID and password related to its subscription registration. User IDs and passwords shall belong exclusively to the user, and shall not be used by or shared with a third party, or loaned, transferred, transferred, renamed, sold, or otherwise inherited by a third party.

9 When a user ID and password are entered and the Service is used, the Service Operator may treat the registered user of said user ID as having used the Service.

10 The user shall be responsible for any damages caused by insufficient management of the user ID or password, errors in use, or use by a third party.

11 Taxes shall be declared and paid in accordance with the laws of the user's country.

(1) Japanese and U.S. customers are subject to Sales Tax at the time of purchase. US tax rates are automatically determined by AppExchange.

Prepare for US Sales Tax Collection on Your AppExchange Purchases

(2) For customers outside of Japan and the U.S., tax payments are subject to reverse charge. Please file and pay taxes in your own jurisdiction in accordance with the laws of your country. When you file your own taxes, your company name and tax number may be required on the invoice. When entering billing information, please enter your company name and tax number (VAT, GST, etc.) at the end of your address. If you do not provide us with your company name and tax number, we may cancel your purchase.


Article 4 (Prohibited Matters)

In using the Application or the Service, Users shall not engage in or attempt to engage in any of the following acts or acts that encourage such acts

1 Acts that violate laws and regulations, public order and morals, or the internal rules of the business or the trade association to which the user belongs

2 Actions related to criminal acts

3 Posting, transmitting, or uploading information through the Application or the Service that the operator deems to fall under any of the following

(1) Information containing excessively violent or cruel expressions

(2) Information that includes expressions that defame or discredit the operator, other users, or third parties

(3) Information that contains excessively obscene expressions or expressions that constitute child pornography or child abuse

(4) Information that includes expressions that promote discrimination

(5) Information that encourages suicide or self-injury

(6) Information including expressions that promote the inappropriate use of drugs

(7) Information including antisocial expressions

(8) Information that seeks to spread information to third parties, such as chain mail

(9) Information containing information that is offensive to others

(4) Information that infringes on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, or other rights or interests of the operator, other users, or other third parties (including actions that directly or indirectly cause such infringement)

5 Fraudulent or threatening acts, defamation of honor or credit, unfair discrimination, or slander against the operator or third parties.

6 acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of the server or network of the operator, other users, or third parties

7 acts of transmitting information containing computer viruses or other harmful computer programs

8 Falsifying information that can be used in the Application or the Service

9 Acts of transmitting data through this Application or the Service that exceeds a certain data volume specified by the Service Provider

10 Actions that may interfere with the operation of this application or service by the service provider.

11 Acts of gaining unauthorized access or attempting to do so

12 Actions that impersonate other users or third parties

13 Acts of using another user's ID or password

14 Act to collect or accumulate personal information of other users

15 Use of this Application or the Services for any unauthorized purpose

16 Actions that cause disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to other users of this Application or Service or third parties.

17 Any advertisement, advertisement, solicitation, or business act on this Application or this Service that is not authorized by the Business.

18 Actions that directly or indirectly provide benefits to antisocial forces, etc. in relation to this Application or the Service

19 Other acts that the business deems inappropriate.


Article 5 (Restrictions and Prohibitions on Use of the Free Version)

1 The free version of this application may only be used for one template.

2 With regard to the use of the free version, any method of use that, in effect, results in an unlimited number of templates, or any act that is judged or suspected by the service provider to be such, shall be deemed as unauthorized use.

3 The following acts that the operator deems to constitute unauthorized use of this Application or the Service are prohibited.

(1) Updating the Template Id of the OFC_Template record through automatic processing by a program or other means when using this Application

(2) Updating the contents of attachments associated with an OFC_Template record by a program or other automatic processing when using this application.


Article 6 (Suspension of Provision of this Application and Service, etc.)

1 The business operator may suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of this Application and the Service without prior notice to the User in the event that the business operator determines that any of the following circumstances exist

(1) maintenance, inspection, or updating of the computer system related to this Application or the Service

(2) In the event of force majeure, such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, or power outages, which make it difficult to provide this Application or the Service

(3) When computers or communication lines, etc. are stopped due to an accident

(4) In any other cases where the service provider deems it difficult to provide this application or service.

(2) The service provider may terminate provision of this application or service at any time for its own reasons.

3 The operator shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage incurred by users or third parties due to the cessation or interruption of the provision of this Application or the Service.


Article 7 (Restriction of Use)

1 In the event that the operator determines that a user falls under any of the following, the operator may, without prior notice, delete or hide the display concerning such user, and restrict or suspend the use of all or part of the Application and the Service to the user.

(1) If the user violates any of the provisions of these Terms of Use

(2) If any false fact is found in the registration information

(3) If you use or attempt to use this Application or the Service for any purpose or in any manner that may cause damage to the Business, other users, or any third party

(4) If you have interfered or attempted to interfere with the operation of this Application or the Service

(5) In the event of default in payment of fees or other obligations

(6) If you stop making payments or become insolvent, or file a petition for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation, or any other similar proceedings

(7) If the Bank receives a disposition of dishonor for a bill or check drawn or accepted by the Bank, or receives a disposition of suspension of transactions by a clearing house or any other similar action

(8) If there is a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, or auction

(9) If the company receives a disposition for delinquent payment of taxes and public dues

(10) In the event of death, or in the event of the commencement of guardianship, conservatorship, or assistance.

(11) If the customer does not respond to communications from the service provider for a certain period of time

(12) If the service has not been used for a certain period of time since the last use

(13) In addition to the above, if the operator deems the use of this application and service to be inappropriate.

2 In the event that any of the events listed in each item of the preceding paragraph occurs, the relevant user will naturally forfeit the benefit of time for all debts owed to the operator, and must immediately fulfill all debts.

3 The operator shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of actions taken by the operator in accordance with this Article.


Article 8 (Maintenance of Usage Environment)

1 Users shall prepare, at their own responsibility and expense, the services, devices, software, communication lines, and other environment necessary for the use of this Application and the Service.

2 Communication charges incurred in connection with the use of this Application and the Service shall be borne by the User.


Article 9 (Disclaimer of Warranty)

1 The business operator warrants that the Application or the Service is fit for the specific purpose of the user; that it has the functions, commercial value, accuracy, usefulness, reliability, integrity, and safety expected by the user; that it complies with applicable laws, regulations, or internal industry association rules, etc.; that it can be used continuously; that it is free from defects No warranty, express or implied, is made that the service is accurate, useful, reliable, complete, or secure; that it conforms to the laws and regulations applicable to the user or internal rules of industry organizations; that it can be used continuously; that it is free from defects, errors, or bugs; that it does not infringe the rights of the user or third parties; or that it is defect-free.


Article 10 (Disclaimer)

1 The operator shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the Service or the Application, or from changes in the contents of the Service or the Application, interruption, suspension, or termination of the provision of the Service, inability to use the Service, deletion or loss of messages or information transmitted by the user, measures to restrict use to the user, data loss of the Service or the Application, or device failure, or from any other cause. The Company shall not be liable for any loss of data or device failure or damage, the effect of the Service or the Application on the device, any disadvantage suffered by the User due to the User's inability to use the Service or the Application normally, any disadvantage of data loss, or any other damages suffered by the User arising from or in connection with the Application or the Service. 2. The business shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user due to or in connection with this application or this service.

2 The provider shall not be liable for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that occur between users or between users and third parties other than users with regard to this application and the service.


Article 11 (Rights to this Application)

All intellectual property rights related to the Application and the Service belong to the Entity or the entity that has granted the license to the Entity, and the license to use the Application and the Service under this Agreement does not imply a license to use the intellectual property rights of the Entity or the entity that has granted the license to the Entity with respect to the Service. The user shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Application or the Service. Users shall not, for any reason, perform any act (including disassembling, decompiling, reverse engineering, etc.) that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the Entity or any person who has licensed the Entity to do so.


Article 12 (Feedback from Users)

1 In the event that a user sends feedback to a business regarding measures to improve the Application or the Service, the user represents that such feedback does not infringe on the intellectual property rights (patent rights, copyrights, trademarks, etc.) of any third party, that the user has the right to convey such feedback to the business, and that the business has the right to make use of such feedback. (2) The user represents and warrants to the operator that the feedback does not infringe on any third party intellectual property rights (such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.), that the user has the right to communicate the feedback to the operator, and that the operator has the right to use the feedback.

2 The Subscriber grants to the Service Provider the right to use the Feedback received from the Subscriber, free of charge, indefinitely and without geographical limitation, and the Service Provider shall acquire such right. The rights acquired by the operator include the right to reproduce, screen, perform, show, publicly transmit, publicly communicate, dictate, exhibit, distribute, transfer, lend, translate, adapt, modify to the extent deemed necessary for the operator's business purposes, and the rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law. The user agrees not to exercise moral rights against the business operator or any person who has succeeded to or been granted rights by the business operator.


Article 13 (Change of Service Contents, etc.)

The operator may change the contents of this application or service, or discontinue providing this application or service without notice to the user, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of such changes.


Article 14 (Modification of these Terms of Use)

1 The business operator may revise these Terms of Use at any time as it deems necessary. By continuing to access or use our services after those revisions become effective, the user agrees to abide by the revised terms. If you do not agree to all or any part of the new Terms, please discontinue using the Service.

2 The service provider shall notify users of any changes to the Terms and Conditions by posting such changes on the service provider's website.


Article 15 (Handling of Personal Information)

The handling of personal information obtained by the operator through the use of the Application or the Service is not stipulated in these Terms, but is subject to the privacy policy separately stipulated by the operator.


Article 16 (Notification or Communication)

1 Notification or communication from the business to the user regarding this Application or the Service shall be made by posting on the business's website or by e-mail notification. In the event that the service provider contacts the contact provided by the user, unless the user notifies the service provider of a change in contact information, the service provider may contact the user by deeming the currently registered contact information to be valid.

2 Contact from the user to the service provider regarding this application or the service shall be made by sending an inquiry form on the service provider's website or by e-mail.


Article 17 (Transfer of Rights and Obligations)

1 The user may not transfer his/her position in the usage contract or rights or obligations under these Terms of Use to a third party or offer them as collateral without the prior written consent of the operator.

2 The business operator may, without prior notice to the user, transfer (in any manner, including business transfer, company split, or company merger) the business pertaining to this application and service to another party, and the user shall be deemed to have agreed to this in advance in this section. In the event that a business transfers its business, the position in the usage contract, rights and obligations under these Terms of Use, user registration items, and other customer information may be transferred to the transferee.


Article 18 (Entire Agreement)

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the operator and the user with respect to the matters contained herein, and supersede all prior agreements, representations, and understandings, whether oral or written, between the operator and the user with respect to the matters contained herein.


Article 19 (Severability)

Even if any provision of these Terms and Conditions or any part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws or regulations, the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remainder of the provisions that are determined to be invalid or unenforceable in part shall remain in full force and effect, and the operator and the user shall not be liable for any damages arising from such invalidity or unenforceability. The Operator and the Subscriber shall endeavor to modify such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion to the extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable, and to ensure that the intent, legal and economic effect of such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion is equivalent to the intent, legal and economic effect of the invalid or unenforceable provision or portion.


Article 20 (Governing Law)

The validity, interpretation, and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.


Article 21 (Agreed Jurisdiction)

You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts having jurisdiction under the laws of Japan for any and all disputes related to this Agreement, the Application, or the Service.




Date of enactment: March 16, 2022

Date of revision: Nov 9, 2023


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