Output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.1) - Office File Creator Advanced -

This article will show you how to output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow. Office File Creator can be integrated into the Screen Flow.

*This procedure is for Office File Creator Ver.1. If you are using Ver.2, please refer to Output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.2) - Office File Creator Advanced -.

Completed Flow

After selecting records from the list view, click the "Mass Output Files" button to display the flow execution screen, execute the flow to output files, and update Opportunity.



Key Points for Flow Creation

  • The parameter that receives the record Id selected from the list view in the flow is "ids". Create a text type variable "ids" and a collection variable in the flow with a check on. Other variable names cannot receive the record Id from the list view.
  • To output a file in Office File Creator, place the officeFileCreatorForFlow component in the screen flow. It returns the result of creating the files (success or failure) and returns an error message in case of failure.
  • The Opportunity records are not updated within the loop, but the record Id of successful file creation is stored in a collection variable and updated collectively when the loop ends.


Flow Process Overview

This is the overall picture of the flow.

1. Record selection judgment

Judge whether or not a record is selected from the list view. If one or more records are selected, go to process 2. If there are no records, go to process 1e.

1e. End Screen

Display an exit screen with a message that no record is selected and end the flow.

2. Set Total Ids Count

Sets the total number of records selected from the list view to a variable.

3. Top Screen

Display the confirmation message.

4. Loop ids

Start a loop process for each record Id selected from the list view.

5. Add Execute Count

Add 1 to the number of executions.

6. Output File

Place the officeFileCreatorForFlow component in the screen flow and output the file.

7. OFC error judgment

Judge the success or error of the output result. In case of success, go to process 8. In case of error, go to process 7e.

7e. Add Error Contents

Add 1 to the number of error and the error message and go to process 9.

8. Add Success Ids

Add 1 to the number of success.

9. Update Bill Output Date

Update the Bill Output Date of the Opportunity.

9e. Opportunity Update Error Screen

Display the completion message. If there are errors in output files, error messages are also displayed.

10. Completion Screen

Display the completion message. If there are errors in output files, error messages are also displayed.


Create the Flow

Now let's create the flow. Open Flows from Setup and click the "New Flow" button.


Select "Screen Flow" and click the "Create" button.


Create Resources

Create the variables to be used in the flow. Click the "Toggle Toolbox" button in the upper left corner of the screen, then click the "New Resource" button.


Create three resources by selecting Variable as the resource type and Text as the Data Type.

API Name


Allow multiple values (collection)

Available for input


Selected record Id list in list view.




Record Id list that was successfully processed.




Error message



*The "ids" is a variable that receives the record Id from the list view. Be sure to use "ids" (All lowercase). Other variable names cannot receive the record Id from the list view.


Create three resources by selecting Variable as the resource type and Number as the Data Type.

API Name


Allow multiple values (collection)

Decimal Places

Default Value

Available for input


Total record count






Executed count






Error count





*Be sure to set the default value to 0.


First, save the flow. Click the "Save" button.


Save the Flow under any name. Here it is saved as follows.

Flow Label: Mass Billing Output Screen Flow

Flow API Name: MassBillingOutputScreenFlow

Description: Output billing files from the list view of Opportunity.


1. Record selection judgment

Click the "+" mark under "Screen Flow" and select "Decision".


Set the properties.

Label: Records selected or not?

API Name: DecSelectedRecordExists

Label: No

Outcome API Name: decSelectedRecordExists_No

Condition Requirements to Execute Outcome: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Recourse: {!ids}  Operator: Is Null  Value: {!$GlobalConstant.True}


Click "Default Outcome" in the left sidebar.


Set the properties.

Label: Yes


1e. End Screen

Click the "+" mark under "No" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: End Screen

API Name: End_Screen


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components and set the properties.

API Name: dispNoRecordMsg


No records have been selected.

Please select at least one record and then execute.


2. Set Total ids Count

Click the "+" mark under "Yes" and select "Assignment".


Set the properties.

Label: Set Total Ids Count

API Name: SetTotalIdsCount

Variable: {!varTotalIdsCount}  Operator: Equals Count  Value: {!ids}


3. Top screen

Click the "+" mark under "Set Total Ids Count" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: Top Screen

API Name: Top_Screen


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components and set the properties.

API Name: dispConfirmMsg


Output {!varTotalIdsCount} files.

Are you sure?


4. Loop ids

Click the "+" mark under "Top Screen" and select "Loop".


Set the properties.

Label: Loop ids

API Name: Loop_ids

Collection Variable: {!ids}

Direction: First item to last item


5. Add Execute Count

Click the "+" mark under "For Each" and select "Assignment".


Set the properties.

Label: Add Execute Count

API Name: Add_Execute_Count

Variable: {!varExecuteCount}  Operator: Add  Value: 1


6. Output File

Click the "+" mark under "Add Execute Count" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: Output File

API Name: Output_File

Show Footer: check off

Note: The footer is hidden so that users do not click the "Next" or "Previous" button while officeFileCreatorForFlow is running.


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components and set the properties.

API Name: dispExecuteCount

Text: {!varExecuteCount} / {!varTotalIdsCount}


Drag and drop "officeFileCreatorForFlow" from Components under the display text "dispExecuteCount" and set the properties.

API Name: OFCCmp

recordId: {!Loop_ids}

save: Empty  *To save the file, enter "file" or "att".

template: OpportunityExcelBill  *Enter the Template Api Name of the OFC_Template.


7. OFC error judgment

Click the "+" mark under "Output File" and select "Decision".


Set the properties.

Label: OFC has errors?

API Name: DecOFCError

Label: Error

Outcome API Name: decOFCError_Yes

Condition Requirements to Execute Outcome: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Recourse: {!OFCCmp.isSuccess}  Operator: Equals  Value: {!$GlobalConstant.False}


Click "Default Outcome" in the left sidebar.


Set the properties.

Label: Success


7e. Add Error Contents

Click the "+" mark under "Error" and select "Assignment".

Set the properties.

Label: Add Error Contents

API Name: Add_Error_Contents

Variable: {!varErrorCount}  Operator: Add  Value: 1

Variable: {!varErrorMessage}  Operator: Add  Value: {!OFCCmp.errorMessage}

*OFC error messages include a new line for each case, so if there are multiple errors, they will be displayed on a new line.


8. Add Success Ids

Click the "+" mark under "Success" and select "Assignment".


Set the properties.

Label: Add Success Ids

API Name: Add_Success_Ids

Variable: {!varSuccessIds}  Operator: Add  Value: {!Loop_ids}


9. Update Bill Output Date

Click the "+" mark under "After Last".


Select "Update Records".


Set the properties.

Label: Update Bill Output Date

API Name: Update_Bill_Output_Date

How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values: check on "Specify conditions to identify records, and set fields individually"

Object: Opportunity

Condition Requirements to Update Records: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Field: Id  Operator: In  Value: {!varSuccessIds}


Field: BillOutputDate__c  Value: {!$Flow.CurrentDate}

*A custom field named Bill Output Date (API Name: BillOutputDate__c) is created in Opportunity.


9e. Opportunity Update Error Screen

Click "Update Bill Output Date".

Click "Add Fault Path".


Click "+" mark under "Fault" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: Opportunity Update Error Screen

API Name: Opportunity_Update_Error_Screen

Click "Configure Footer" and check "Hide Previous" in the "Previous button".


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components and set the properties.

API Name: dispUpdateOpportunityErrorMsg


Opportunity Update Error


Set text color to red from the color palette.


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components under the display text "dispUpdateOpportunityErrorMsg" and set the properties.

API Name: dispOfcErrorMessage


Error details


Set text color to red from the color palette.

Click "Set Component Visibility" and set the conditions.

When to Display Component: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Resource: {!varErrorCount}

Operator: Greater Than

Value: 0


10. Completion Screen

Click the "+" mark under "Update Bill Output Date" and select "Screen".


Set the properties.

Label: Completion Screen

API Name: Completion_Screen

Click "Configure Footer" and check "Hide Previous" in the "Previous button".


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components and set the properties.

API Name: dispCompletionMsg



Total count: {!varExecuteCount}

Error count: {!varErrorCount}


Drag and drop "Display Text" from Components under the display text "dispCompletionMsg" and set the properties.

API Name: dispErrorMessage


Error details


Set text color to red from the color palette.


Click "Set Component Visibility" and set the conditions.

When to Display Component: All Conditions Are Met (AND)

Resource: {!varErrorCount}

Operator: Greater Than

Value: 0


The flow is complete. Good job.


Click the "Save" button.


Debug the Flow

Click the "Debug" button.


The following is displayed and there is no record Id entry field when debugging. The test will only be conducted with no record selected. First, test that no records are selected. Click the "Run" button.


The completion screen is displayed.


Next, assign a debug record Id to the ids variable for debugging only. When debugging is complete, delete the assignment. Click the "+" mark under "Screen Flow" and select "Assignment".

*This assignment will be deleted after debugging is completed.


Set the properties.

Label: Set Ids For Debug

API Name: SetIdsForDebug

Variable: {!ids}  Operator: Add  Value: *Set the Opportunity record Id for the test.

In the example, two test Opportunity record Id's are added.


Ensure that "Set Ids for Debug" is added under "Screen Flow".


Click the "Save" button and then the "Debug" button.


Click the "Run" button.


The debug screen will be displayed. Click the "Next" button.


Confirm that the files are output and the dates are set to the Bill Output Date in the Opportunity record screen.


Next, test the case with errors. Return to the flow edit screen, click "Assign Id Set for Debugging" and add non-existent record Id's.

Variable: {!ids}  Operator: Add  Value: *Set the record Id of the Opportunity Id that does not exist.

In the example, 3 error Opportunity record Id's are added.


Click the "Save" button and then the "Debug" button.


Click the "Run" button.


Click the "Next" button.


Three error messages are displayed.


After debugging is complete, click "Set Ids for Debug".


Click "Delete Element".


Confirm that it has been deleted.


Click the "Save" button and then the "Activate" button. Close the flow screen.


Create Custom Button

Create a custom button for outputting files on the List view.

Open the target object from the Object Manager in Setup. Click "Buttons, Links, and Actions" in the left sidebar, then click the "New Button or Link" button.


Set the properties.

Label: Mass Output Files

Name: MassOutputFiles

Display Type: List Button

Display Checkboxes (for Multi-Record Selection): check on

Behavior: Display in existing window with sidebar

Content Source: URL

URL: /flow/Flow API Name?retUrl=/lightning/o/Object API Name/list?filterName=List View Id

*"retUrl" is the URL to transition from the flow screen to the list view after the flow is completed.

*List view Id is the Id after "filterName=" in the URL of the list view screen.

In the example, the following is set.



Click "List View Button Layout" on the left sidebar, then click "▼" and then "Edit".


Select the created button and click "Add", then click the "Save" button.


Run the Flow

From the list view, when the flow is executed, the file is output and the Bill Output Date is updated.



Copied title and URL