Output three quotations in a PDF with a single form per page (Page break by group unit)

This article shows the procedure for outputting the three quotation patterns in a PDF with a single form per page in Office File Creator.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.

Output Sample

As an example, the Opportunities and products related with the Account.


Three pages of quotes are output in one PDF file.


Overview of Settings

  • By setting merge fields of the child record from the first to the last row of the page, making the entire page a block row of child records.
  • Group Product (3 levels) by Opportunity (2 levels).
  • Output in one group/one page by breaking pages by group.


Merge Field Settings

Set the merge fields of the Product (3 levels). By setting the Product merge fields on the first and last rows, the entire page is considered a block row of child records. The merge fields of the master object can be set in a block row.


Counts the number of header rows and footer rows. These row counts are set to the OFC_ChildObjectOptions record later.

Header Row: Set the Opportunity and Account info in the header row. The total is 6 rows.

Record Row: This row repeats the product record.

Footer Row: The Amount of the products. The total is one row.

*Blank rows are not counted in the header and footer row counts.


Set the page number merge field in the footer of the document.

{!pagenumber()} / {!pagecount()}


Create OFC_Template Record

Create the OFC_Tempalate record.

Name: Account Quote

Template API Name: Account_Quote

Object API Name: Account

Output File Type: PDF(.pdf)


Create OFC_Child Object Option Record

Create the OFC_Child Object Option record.


Name: Products

Child Relationship Name: OpportunityLineItems


Filter Criteria

To output only quotations related to the Account, set the "Opportunity.StageName =Quote" for the Filter Criteria.

FilterCriteria Field API Name: Opportunity.StageName

FilterCriteria Operator: =

FilterCriteria Value: Quote


Sort Order

The sort order is the Quote Number of Opportunity and the Product Code of the Products.

SortField1 API Name: Opportunity.QuoteNumber__c

SortField1 Order: Ascending (NULLS FIRST)

SortField2 API Name: ProductCode

SortField2 Order: Ascending (NULLS FIRST)


(Pro) Advanced Relationship Settings

The products are child records of the third level from the primary object of the Account.

Object API Name: OpportunityLineItem

Master Object Id Field API Name: Opportunity.AccountId


(Pro) Group Data

Groups Products (3 levels) by Opportunity (2 levels).

Group Field API Name: OpportuniyId

Number of Group Header Rows: 6

Number of Group Footer Rows: 1


(Pro) Page Break

By checking on the Group Unit, page breaks are made by 1 line = 1 group.

(PDF) Max Rows on Page 1: 1

(PDF) Group Unit: Check


Output File

Three pages of quotes are output in one PDF file.

Page 1


Page 2


Page 3



PDF Page Break Settings

Group Output of Child Records




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