Output a list of files of Cases related to the Account, grouped by case number

This article shows how to output a list of files of Cases related to the Account in Office File Creator, grouped by case number.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.

Output Sample

Output a list of files of Case related to the Account.


A list of files grouped by case number is output.


Overview of Settings

  • By using ContentDocumentLink instead of ContentDocument for the object name of the merge field, the related record information and file information are output together.
  • ContentDocumentLink has a file lookup field "ContentDocument" and a record lookup field "LinkedEntity". Use these cross-object formulas for merge fields.


Merge Field Settings

Set merge fields in the form {!(Child Relationship Name)Related File Object API Name.Field API Name} for the child's related files.

The file merge field is the ContentDocumentLink.ContentDocument.File Field API Name.

The record merge field is the ContentDocumentLink.LinkedEntity.Record Field API Name.


Header Row



Record Row




Footer Row



Create OFC_Template Record

Create the OFC_Tempalate record.

Name: Account & Case Files

Template API Name: AccountCaseFiles

Object API Name: Account


Create OFC_Child Object Option Record

Create the OFC_Child Object Option record.


Name: Case Files

Child Relationship Name: (Cases)ContentDocumentLink


Sort Order

Set the sort order.

SortField1 API Name: LinkedEntity.Name

SortField1 Order: Ascending (NULLS FIRST)

SortField2 API Name: ContentDocument.Title

SortField2 Order: Ascending (NULLS FIRST)

Only LinkedEntityId and LinkedEntity.Name can be specified as sort fields.


(Pro) Group Data

Group by CaseNumber.

Group Field API Name: LinkedEntity.CaseNumber

Number of Group Header Rows: 2

Number of Group Footer Rows: 1


Output File

A list of files grouped by case number is output.



Output Related Files (List/Images)

Group Output of Child Records



Copied title and URL