New features of Office File Creator Ver.2 and changes and discontinued features from Ver.1

New features of Office File Creator Ver.2 and changes/discontinued features from Ver.1.


In Office File Creator Ver.1, the paid version and the free version are separate products, and when migrating from the free version to the paid version, the Salesforce settings of the free version were not inherited, and the settings had to be re-configured in the paid version.


In Ver.2, the application itself is included in 2.0 (Free), and when upgrading from 2.0 to Standard/Pro, there is no need to re-configure the settings. When switching to the paid version, the upgrade can be performed by simply installing Standard or Pro.



Ver.2 is available in three editions: Free, Standard, and Pro.

  • Free ・・・ Free version. Limited to 1 template, 1 Excel sheet, 2 batch output files and no support.
  • Standard ・・・ Unlimited number of templates, Excel sheets, and batch output files.
  • Pro ・・・ Standard + Output Images etc.

*Standard/Pro is available on a 30-day trial and can be used indefinitely in a Sandbox environment.

*When downgrading from Standard/Pro to Free, the OFC_Template record must be set to 1 record.

*Ver.1 templates can be used in Ver.2.


Editions are displayed on the OFC_Template record screen.





New features (Common in Office File Creator 2.0)

Formatting merge fields

When outputting to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF, it is possible to format merge fields of data type are date, date/time, or currency/number.

Instruction manual

Formatting of Date and Date/Time Fields

Formatting of Currency and Number Fields


Outputs Today's Date and Current Time (Today/Now)

When outputting a file, today's date and current time can be output. Use the Today() and Now() functions for merge fields.


It can also be used for output file names.

Instruction manual

Outputs Today's Date and Current Time (Today/Now)


Output Parent and Reference Object Field

Output parent and referenced object fields by using cross-object formulas for merge fields. The maximum hierarchy is 5 levels.


Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields

Instruction manual

Output Parent and Reference Object Field


File Save + Download

When a file is saved as an attachment to a record, it can be downloaded in addition to saving. It's available in the Custom button, Lightning component button, and Flow.


Office File Creator Ver.2 New Version Release - Added File save + download option, etc.

Instruction manual

File Save + Download


New features (Office File Creator Pro)

Output Images

Output image records of rich text fields, image functions fields, and attachments.


Output attached images in Salesforce to documents

Output Images of Rich Text Fields in Salesforce to documents

Output images of Image function fields to documents in Salesforce

Instruction manual

Output Images

Output Attachment Files (List/Images)


Setting File Output Conditions

Sets the output condition of the file according to the record value of the master object.

Instruction manual

Setting File Output Conditions


Save Logs

Logs such as output date/time, error information, and user information are stored. Logs are stored in the OFC_Log object.

Instruction manual

Save Logs


Output by Index Numbers of Child Record

When outputting a child record, output by specifying the index number of the child record. It allows to output the file in any layout, including columnar output.

Instruction manual

Output by Index Numbers of Child Record


Block Output of Child Records

When outputting child records, output in a multi-line layout per record.



Output Child Records in Block Format Layout

Instruction manual

Block Output of Child Records


Group Output of Child Records

When outputting child records, output child records by grouping the field values.


Group child records by record values and output to documents

Output the total amount of child records using the aggregate function in the merge field

Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents

Instruction manual

Group Output of Child Records


Output 3 or more levels of child records

Outputs child objects that are 3 or more levels of the master object. The maximum output hierarchy is 5 hierarchies.

The master object is the Account. Outputs the Products of grandchild records grouped by the Opportunity.


Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents

Instruction manual

Output 3 or more levels of child records


Settings Minimum/Maximum Number of Child Records

When outputting child records, set the minimum and maximum number of records to be output.

Instruction manual

Settings Minimum/Maximum Number of Child Records


PDF Page Break Settings

When outputting PDF, set the maximum number of lines on the first page of child records and the maximum number of lines on the second and subsequent pages, and output page breaks. Output table headers on the second and subsequent pages. Prints the text continued from the previous page, continuing on to the next page.


When page breaks are set, the ruled lines are output without breaking, and the table header is output on the next and subsequent pages.




No page break settings




Break the PDF at a specified number of lines and output a table header on the next page

Instruction manual

PDF Page Break Settings


Use in Record-Triggered Flow (PDF)

Save PDF files by calling OFC actions in the record trigger flow. Only PDF file format is supported.


Call "OFC Save as PDF" action

Instruction manual

Use in Record-Triggered Flow (PDF)


Call from Apex Class (PDF)

Call OFC's Apex class from the Apex class and save the PDF file. Only PDF file format is supported.


Sample Code

ofc2.OFCSavePDF.Requests req = new ofc2.OFCSavePDF.Requests();

req.recordId = 'xxxxxx';

req.templateApiName = 'OpportunityInvoice';

req.executionName = 'Call From Apex';

ofc2.OFCSavePDF.Results result = ofc2.OFCSavePDF.execute(req);

System.debug('result=' + result);


Instruction manual

Call from Apex Class (PDF)


Changes from Ver.1

Filter Output Conditions for Child Records

"LIKE", "NOT LIKE", "IN", and "NOT IN" have been added to "Filter Criteria Operator" for the child record filter criteria. "including ~" and multiple values are searchable.


In addition, an option to specify a SOQL WHERE clause has been added.

Instruction manual

Filter Output Conditions for Child Records


Replace True/False in Checkbox Fields with Other Values

In Ver.1, the True/False replacement of checkboxes is set in the OFC_Template record.


In Ver.2, the replaced value is set in merge fields. This allows the user to set the replaced value for each field.

Instruction manual

Replace True/False in Checkbox Fields with Other Values


Flow Changes

In Ver.1, the role of the OFC flow component is action only. It is necessary to create screen flow components for the Execute Button screen and the OFC Flow screen. In Ver.2, an execution button has been added to the OFC flow component, enabling confirmation message display and report output in one screen flow.

In addition, when batch output from the list view, Ver.1 required loop processing in the flow. In Ver.2, added a batch output option, eliminating the need for loop processing within a flow and simplifying the creation of flows.

Batch output flow for Ver.1 and Ver.2


Output files and update Opportunity records in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.2) - Office File Creator Advanced –

Output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.2) - Office File Creator Advanced -

Instruction manual

Use with Screen Flow


Discontinued Features

Discontinued in Experience Cloud

Experience Cloud, which was supported in Ver.1, is discontinued in Ver.2. Experience Cloud is not available in Ver.2. Some new features, such as record image output and attachment output, could not be implemented in Experience Cloud and have been eliminated.



Ver.2 is unsupported and is not guaranteed to work on Experience Cloud. We do not provide any support for settings or error inquiries when using the app on Experience Cloud. With the understanding that support is not available, the application can be called in a screen flow on Experience Cloud.


How to call

When calling the application in Screen Flow, check on the "Use on Experience Cloud (not supported)" field in the OFC_Template object.


*In Ver.1, standard Salesforce features such as Experience Cloud settings are not covered by the inquiry support.



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