Office File Creator Ver.2 New Version Release - Added File save + download option

We will release a new version of the Office File Creator Ver.2 on the following schedule.


Scheduled release date

Jul. 15, 2024





Upgrade period (for existing users)

Jul. 11-15, 2024

*The version will be automatically upgraded within the upgrade period.


Revision details

 Added File save + download option

When saving a file to Salesforce as an attachment to a record, a download option has been added.

  • Custom Button

The following items have been added to the OFC_Template object.

Custom Button URL (File+Download)

Custom Button URL (Attachment+Download)

When saving and downloading a file, you cannot move to the record detail screen after the file is output.


  • Lightning Component Button

A "Download" parameter has been added to the Lightning component "ofcForRecordPage". When downloading in addition to saving a file, check on the "download" option.


  • Flow

A "download" parameter has been added to the Lightning component "ofcForFlowScreen". When downloading in addition to saving a file, check on the "download" option.


Added options callable on Experience Cloud (with restrictions)

In Ver. 2, the use of Experience Cloud is discontinued, but an option has been added to allow screen flows to be called on Experience Cloud with restrictions. When calling on Experience Cloud, check on "Use on Experience Cloud (not supported)" in the OFC_Template object.

*This option is available in Pro.


The app is unsupported and is not guaranteed to work on Experience Cloud. We do not provide any support for settings or error inquiries when using the app on Experience Cloud. Check this field if you use the app on Experience Cloud that is not supported by the app. By checking this field, the app can be invoked in the screen flow.






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