New version released - Excel formula output is now available

A new version has been released today.


Revision details

Excel formulas can now be output. In the previous version, Office File Creator did not output formulas in Excel template files. In the new version, formulas are now output.


Latest Version

Ver1.15.0 (both free and paid versions)


Version Upgrade (for existing users)

For existing users who have installed Office File Creator (free version and paid version), the version will be automatically upgraded, so there is no need for users to upgrade. Automatic version upgrades will be performed around 3 days after the new version release date.

*In rare cases, the automatic version upgrade may fail. If you cannot use the new functions, the version is still out of date, so please upgrade manually. Click the "Get It Now" button on the product page to install the new version.


Requests for support in the new version

  • A Field for the system in the OFC_Template object have been added
    A field of the OFC_Template object "TemplateUploadedPackageVersion" (API name: TemplateUploadedPackageVersion__c) has been added. Please grant reference and edit permissions to the field-level security for the administrator user.


  • If an existing template file contains Excel formulas
    Excel formula output is applied to template files uploaded with the new version (Ver. 1.15) or later. Even if an existing template contains formulas, the formulas will not be output if the template file was uploaded with a previous version, so please upload the template file again with the new version.However, in the version upgrade on or after June 1, 2023, formulas will be output for all uploaded template files in all versions. For those who use Excel formulas in existing templates, the results of formulas that were previously output as blank will be output in versions released on or after June 1, 2023. Please upload the template file again with the new version and check the output contents.



Normal Excel formulas can be used, but please refer to the following article for pointers on setting up formulas in Office File Creator.

Setting Formulas in Excel Template Files with Office File Creator


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