Notice Ver.1 New Version Released - Added Formatting Options for Numerical and Currency Fields, etc. A new version of the Office File Creator Ver.1 has been released today. Revision detailsFor details of the revisions, pl... 2024.04.15 Notice
Salesforce Flow Salesforce Flow to Send Custom Notification to Case Owner This article will show you how to create a flow to send a custom notification to the owner when the Case owner is change... 2024.04.11 Salesforce FlowSalesforce Standard Feature
OFC Pro Output different layouts for open and closed cases - Advanced Relationship Settings This article introduces the procedure for outputting different layouts for open and closed cases related to the Account ... 2024.04.05 OFC Pro
Notice Ver.1 New Version Release - Added Formatting Options for Numerical and Currency Fields, etc. We will release a new version of the Office File Creator Ver.1 on the following schedule.Scheduled release dateScheduled... 2024.04.05 Notice
Notice Notice of Discontinuation of Office File Creator Ver. 2 Free beta Version This is to inform you of the discontinuation of Office File Creator Ver.2 Free beta version, which has been released in ... 2024.03.22 Notice
OFC Pro Break the PDF at a specified number of lines and output a table header on the next page This article introduces the procedure for breaking a PDF page at a specified number of lines and outputting a table head... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents This article introduces the procedure for outputting records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents in Office Fil... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Output the total amount of child records using the aggregate function in the merge field This article introduces the procedure for outputting the total amount of a child record using the aggregate function in ... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Group child records by record values and output to documents This article introduces the procedure for grouping child records by record values and outputting documents in Office Fil... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Output Child Records in Block Format Layout This article introduces the procedure for outputting child records in a block-format layout in Office File Creator.*This... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Output images of Image function fields to documents in Salesforce This article introduces the procedure for outputting images of Image function fields in Salesforce to documents in Offic... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro
OFC Pro Output Images of Rich Text Fields in Salesforce to documents This article introduces the procedure for outputting images of rich text fields in Salesforce to documents in Office Fil... 2024.03.21 OFC Pro