Ver.2 New Version Released - PDF page break per group added, etc.

A new version of the Office File Creator Ver.2 has been released today.

Revision details

PDF page break per group added

The "(PDF) Group Unit" field has been added to the OFC_Child Object Option Object. By checking this checkbox, page breaks can be made in group units when outputting group output.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.

PDF Page Break Settings


Output three quotations in a PDF with a single form per page (Page break by group unit)


SOQL(Where) option for advanced relationship settings added

The "(Advanced) SOQL (Where)" field has been added to the OFC_Child Object Option Object. The WHERE clause of SOQL can be specified to retrieve child records and used to specify a subquery.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.

Advanced Relationship Settings

Output Child Records related to the Lookup Field


Output Case records relate to the Account of the Opportunity (Output child records of lookup fields) – SOQL in Advanced Relationship Settings –


ToLabel() Function added

The ToLabel() function has been added to the merge field. It outputs the name of the display label for the pick list and record type. Or outputs the translated value.

Functions for Merge Fields


Merge Field Format: {!Object API Name.ToLabel(Field API Name)}

Example1: {!Case.ToLabel(Status)}

Example2: {!Case.ToLabel(RecordType.Name)}


Available ContentDocumentLink for the merge field of the File object

ContentDocumentLink can now be used for the related file merge field object. By using ContentDocumentLink, file fields and parent record fields can be output simultaneously.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.

Output Related Files (List/Images)



Output a list of files of Cases related to the Account, grouped by case number


Available cross-object formula field to the filter criteria for related files

The cross-object formula field is available as the filter criteria for related files.

*This feature is available in Office File Creator Pro.



  • Changed section name "(Pro) Filter Criteria (ContentDocument/Attachment)" to "(Pro) File Filter Criteria" in OFC_Child Object Option Layout.
  • Changed section name "(Pro) Output Rows (max/min)" to "(Pro) Output Records (max/min)" in OFC_Child Object Option Layout.
  • Changed the field label "Number of Output Rows (min)" to "Number of Output Records (min)" in the OFC_Child Object Option object.
  • Changed the field label "Number of Output Rows (max)" to "Number of Output Records (max)" in the OFC_Child Object Option object.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem that caused an error if the lookup field was blank when using a cross-object formula for the merge field.
  • Fixed a problem in Word/PowerPoint/PDF output when the template text contains symbols "<", ">", and "&" causing character shift and incorrect layout output. It will be applied to newly uploaded template version 2.13 or later and will be applied to existing templates (all template versions) after August 1, 2025. The Lt/Gt functions are no longer needed due to this modification and will be deprecated in future versions.




*Existing users of Ver.2 beta have been upgraded.


Request for manual settings

Please set some manual settings in this version upgrade.

Granting field-level security

Please grant the administrator user the permissions to read/edit the new fields.

OFC_Child Object Option object


Field Name (API)

(PDF) Group Unit


(Advanced) SOQL (Where)



Change the page layout

Change the page layout of OFC_Child Object Option object to "OFC_ChildObjectOptionLayout_ver2". Please delete the old page layout.



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