Release Notes (Ver.2)
ver.2.13 (Release Date Mar. 17, 2025)
- PDF page break per group added
- SOQL(Where) option for advanced relationship settings added
- ToLabel() Function added
- Available ContentDocumentLink for the merge field of the File object
- Available cross-object formula field to the filter criteria for related files
- Fixed a problem that caused an error if the lookup field was blank when using a cross-object formula for the merge field.
- Fixed a problem in Word/PowerPoint/PDF output when the template text contains symbols "<", ">", and "&" causing character shift and incorrect layout output.
Ver.2 New Version Released - PDF page break per group added, etc.
ver.2.12 (Release Date Dec. 9, 2024)
- Actions callable in Record-Triggered Flow (Save PDF) added.
- OFCApex class (Save PDF) callable from Apex class added.
- Available Word/PowerPoint/PDF child record block output.
- Available Word/PowerPoint/PDF child record group output.
- Available Cross-object formulas where the Owner references a user and a queue.
- Lt and Gt functions added.
- Avoided Salesforce subquery limitation when outputting long text area items of child objects.
- Fixed a bug in Excel group output that if there is a join of cells in line direction, they are not merged.
- Fixed a bug in Word rich text image output that caused an error when the image was blank.
- Fixed a bug in Excel output that the output file name would become '&' when & is included in the file name.
- Fixed “Internal Server Error” error message when an error occurs during PDF output to display error details.
Ver.2 New Version Released - Action callable in Record-Triggered Flow (PDF) added, etc.
ver.2.11 (Release Date Aug. 26, 2024)
- Added the "auto execute (option for Standard/Pro)" option to the ofcForFlowScreen component.
- Changed so that the OFC_Log record is saved when there is an error retrieving the OFC_Template record.
- Improved error messages.
Office File Creator Ver.2 New Version Released - Added automatic execution of screen flows, etc.
ver.2.9 (Release Date Jul. 15, 2024)
- Added File save + download option.
- Added options callable on Experience Cloud (with restrictions)
- Change the label of the "Custom Button URL (Export to File)" field in the OFC_Template object to "Custom Button URL (Download)".
- Added the "User Type" and "Download" fields to the OFC_Log object.
Office File Creator Ver.2 New Version Release - Added File save + download option, etc.
ver.2.8 (Release Date Jul. 1, 2024)
- Upgrade to the official version of Office File Creator 2.0.
Office File Creator 2.0 Released/Available for purchase
ver.2.7 beta (Release Date Jun. 22, 2024)
- Added OFC_License tab and OFCLicense Apex class.
Office File Creator Ver.2 New Version Released - Added OFC_License tab
ver.2.5 beta (Release Date Apr. 19, 2024)
- Fixed a bug that OFC editions OFC Pro and Standard are judged as Free in the Sandbox environment.
- Displayed Child Object Option Related list in the OFC_Child Object Option Record page.
ver.2.4 beta (Release Date Apr. 4, 2024)
- Fixed a bug that Excel cell merging was not reflected when outputting a block of multiple child objects.
- Upgraded program API version from 59 to 60.
ver.2.3 beta (Release Date Mar. 28, 2024)
Fixed a bug that images are not output when previewing in Excel.
ver.2.2 beta (Release Date Mar. 25, 2024)
Fixed a bug in the output of 3-level child objects.
ver.2.1 beta (Release Date Mar. 21, 2024)
Released Office File Creator 2.0 beta.
Office File Creator 2.0 beta Released
Release Notes (Ver.2 Free beta) *Discontinued
Release Notes (Ver.2 Free beta)
Ver.2 Free beta version has been discontinued due to integration into 2.0.
Notice of Discontinuation of Office File Creator Ver. 2 Free beta Version