Category & Features

Table of contents


OFC Settings

Tips for creating templates for PDF output
How to deal with the problems with continuous/multiple file downloads from custom buttons
Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields
Setting Formulas in Excel Template Files with Office File Creator
Generate a PowerPoint file in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Icon samples for the document buttons & titles
Generate a PDF file in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Generate a Word document in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Generate an Excel file in Salesforce using Office File Creator - (3) Create custom buttons
Generate an Excel file in Salesforce using Office File Creator - (2) Create a template record
Generate an Excel file in Salesforce using Office File Creator - (1) Create a template file
How to find the merge field and childrelation names



Send an Email with a PDF Quote in Salesforce Record-Triggered Flow - Office File Creator Advanced -
Output different layouts for open and closed cases - Advanced Relationship Settings
Break the PDF at a specified number of lines and output a table header on the next page
Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents
Output the total amount of child records using the aggregate function in the merge field
Group child records by record values and output to documents
Output Child Records in Block Format Layout
Output images of Image function fields to documents in Salesforce
Output Images of Rich Text Fields in Salesforce to documents
Output attached images in Salesforce to documents
New features of Office File Creator Ver.2 and changes and discontinued features from Ver.1


OFC + Flow

Send an Email with a PDF Quote in Salesforce Record-Triggered Flow - Office File Creator Advanced -
How to deal with a CORS error when executing a flow in a list view and the process does not proceed
Create documents of selected records in the data table of a Flow in Salesforce
Output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.2) - Office File Creator Advanced -
Output files and update Opportunity records in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.2) - Office File Creator Advanced -
Send an email with an invoice in Salesforce Flow - Office File Creator Advanced -
Output documents and update Opportunity from the List View in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.1) - Office File Creator Advanced -
Output files and update Opportunity records in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.1) - Office File Creator Advanced -


Salesforce Standard Feature

Salesforce Flow to Send Custom Notification to Case Owner
View the monthly number of files output of Office File Creator by the Field History Report
Check the usage and number of output files in Office File Creator for the last 31 days by the Screen Flow Report
Salesforce formulas to display Date in yyyyMMMdd and Date/Time in yyyyMMddHHmmss format
Create a Send Email Action on the Case Record Page in Salesforce


Salesforce Flow

Send Email with Attachments in Salesforce Flow
Salesforce Flow to Send Custom Notification to Case Owner
Output files and update Opportunity records in Salesforce Flow (for OFC Ver.1) - Office File Creator Advanced -



Apex class to send an email with attachments callable in Salesforce flow



Merge Fields

Use cross-object formulas to display parent/reference object fields in merge fields
Salesforce formulas to display Date in yyyyMMMdd and Date/Time in yyyyMMddHHmmss format
How to find the merge field and childrelation names


Template File

Setting Formulas in Excel Template Files with Office File Creator
Generate a PowerPoint file in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Generate a PDF file in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Generate a Word document in Salesforce using Office File Creator
Generate an Excel file in Salesforce using Office File Creator - (1) Create a template file



Tips for creating templates for PDF output
Break the PDF at a specified number of lines and output a table header on the next page
Generate a PDF file in Salesforce using Office File Creator


Block Output

Output Child Records in Block Format Layout


Group Output

Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents
Output the total amount of child records using the aggregate function in the merge field
Group child records by record values and output to documents


Advanced Relationship Settings

Output different layouts for open and closed cases - Advanced Relationship Settings
Output records of grandchild objects (3 levels) to documents
Output the total amount of child records using the aggregate function in the merge field


Image Output

Output images of Image function fields to documents in Salesforce
Output Images of Rich Text Fields in Salesforce to documents
Output attached images in Salesforce to documents


Send Email

Send an Email with a PDF Quote in Salesforce Record-Triggered Flow - Office File Creator Advanced -
Send Email with Attachments in Salesforce Flow
Create a Send Email Action on the Case Record Page in Salesforce
Send an email with an invoice in Salesforce Flow - Office File Creator Advanced -
Apex class to send an email with attachments callable in Salesforce flow


Custom Notification

Salesforce Flow to Send Custom Notification to Case Owner



View the monthly number of files output of Office File Creator by the Field History Report
Check the usage and number of output files in Office File Creator for the last 31 days by the Screen Flow Report



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