New Feature


Ver.2 New Version Release - Added File save + download option, etc.

A new version of the Office File Creator Ver.2 has been released today. Revision detailsAdded File save + download optio...

Ver.2 New Version Release - Added File save + download option

We will release a new version of the Office File Creator Ver.2 on the following schedule. Scheduled release dateJul. 15,...

Ver.2 New Version Released - Added OFC_License tab

A new version of the Office File Creator Ver.2 beta has been released today.  Revision detailsThe OFC_License tab has be...

Ver.1 New Version Release - Added Formatting Options for Numerical and Currency Fields, etc.

We will release a new version of the Office File Creator Ver.1 on the following schedule.Scheduled release dateScheduled...

New features of Office File Creator Ver.2 and changes and discontinued features from Ver.1

New features of Office File Creator Ver.2 and changes/discontinued features from Ver.1.EditionIn Office File Creator Ver...

New version released - Excel formula output is now available

A new version has been released today.Revision detailsExcel formulas can now be output. In the previous version, Office ...

New version released - Office File Creator can now be used in Flow

A new version has been released today. Office File Creator can now be used in Salesforce Flow. Can be used in Screen Flo...

A new feature released (Lightning Component button)

A new feature has been released today. In addition to the existing custom buttons, output and file saving is now possibl...
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